Meditation for the Solstice:
This shortest day, this longest night is the ideal time for turning inward and slowing the monkey mind. The demands of the season often create greater than normal need for stillness and introspection. Honoring the body’s natural tendency to slow down we should turn in to bed a bit earlier whenever possible, eat and drink warming foods, soak in a soothing coconut oil bath and, of course, meditate. Two-minute timed meditations at the transistions of your day are an easy way to stay centered and present with co-workers, co-commuters, family and friends. (Some examples: First thing in the am, before you turn on the ignition, once you arrive at work, before and or after lunch, before driving home, before retiring at night. )
You may want to sit this evening with a warm candle or fire close by and perhaps a plant or festive greenery to remind you of the return of the warming sun in 3 months time. Breathe, settle and So, join the panetary mindfield with a peaceful and open heart, a quiet mind and comfortable body as you settle in to the Yin time of the year.
Om shantih shantih shantih