Birth Works Classes

Birth Works is a philosophy which attests to belief in the connection between the body, mind and spirit.

Birth Works believes that a woman’s body already knows how to birth a baby. The instinctual knowledge is built in. Women in our classes learn to trust in their own body’s ability to give birth by understanding that birth is a safe and normal process.

Birth Works classes are for people who want to be actively involved in class rather than listen to a lecture on childbirth.

We discuss nutrition, epidurals, drugs, interventions and physiological means of finding comfort. We teach massage and movement for labor, as well as anatomy and the physiology of the birth process.

The group setting is a safe forum in which you can express your fears and concerns about labor, birth and parenthood.

The classes in the series can help you to become a more informed “consumer” in order to find the best care-givers and location for your prenatal care, birth and recovery.

Couples should sign up as early in pregnancy as possible so that they can put into practice all that they learn.

In addition to our traditional 8- week sessions we offer private classes, if your schedule prevents a group class, and classes specifically designed for home-birthers in a condensed format.

Visit for more information about the national organization and check our Schedule Page for upcoming classes.

Yoga for better health, better birthing and better life!