Category Archives: Diet and Nutrition

Happy Autumn! Update your routine to reflect cooling temps and the dryness of this Vata season.

Dear practitioners, lovers of yoga and yoga-curious,

I just wanted to remind you that as the leaves become dyer we need to increase our hydration – inside and out! Drink plenty of water, warmer and not summer-icy, and drink decaffeinated teas. Choose slightly oilier foods like ghee on autumnal squashes, zucchini, wetter oatmeal, basmati rice, dates soaked in water, drinking a pinch of salt in your water and using salt to taste on your food. Avoid drying foods that are cold or raw, like salads. Spices like nutmeg and cinnamon are warming. Golden milk heated to scalding with turmeric powder, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom can be very supportive of balancing Vata dosha as well, plus, it’s delicious! Also, alcohol and coffee are very drying. I know, I know, giving up my dinner glass of wine and morning java is hard for me too! So, we do our best to achieve balance and stay juicy in spite of our lesser habits. Here is my recommendation for keeping your skin healthy:

Step 1: Buy or excavate your body brush from its summer confines.

Step 2: Find or purchase a nice massage oil, sesame, apricot, or almond oil. Even a nice extra virgin olive oil might be an economic choice.

Step 3: Brush the body from soles of feet up toward your heart using short strokes. Brush from palms of hands toward your heart and brush the torso and back up toward and then downward toward the heart. This exfoliates the skin and increases lymphatic flow and circulation, increases skin tone and is anti-aging.

Step 4: Massage your favorite oil all over the skin. Enjoy this pampering, sensuous act of self-care.

Step 5: Shower or bathe in water that is warm enough to be soothing and not too hot. Use soap on the “smelly parts” of your body and avoid soaping the majority of your skin.

Step 6: Pat the skin dry to maintain the lightly oiled moisturizer that remains.

Step 7: Go out into the world feeling pampered, juicy and ready for anything your day has to offer!

Tips for Weight Loss

Once upon a time I had created a list of hints for losing weight – my students have added to the list and so now is the time for an update!  Please leave your comments here as well.

  • Use small plates to control portion – even at a buffet or dinner time using a salad plate instead of a dinner sized plate will automatically lead to portion control.
  • No eating after 7pm – your digestive fire or Agni is strongest at noon so that is the best time for a large meal.  Also, a fully digested meal won’t interfere with your sleep!
  • Always use a plate or bowl – never, ever, ever eat out of a bag or box.  If you see how much you eat, you will eat less!
  • Avoid distracted eating – like in the car, watching tv, at the computer or even (Nancy broke my heart with this one) while reading.  Sigh…my favorite lunchtime activity…
  • Cut out soda – even diet.  Sorry folks, you can enjoy an occasional soda but the sugar content is incredibly harmful and the artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins.  Ever get a headache after drinking a diet soda or soft drink?  Not only that but the acid content literally melts our bones like chalk in vinegar.
  • And finally – CHEW.  Swami Veda told us always to “Chew your liquids and drink your solids.”  This makes for slower eating, digestion is allowed to begin in the mouth – as it should – and you will feel full without overeating.  Try 27 times a bite.  It’s not easy but if you love your body, its health and want to have more energy this is key.

I wish you wellness!

cleansing water…..

IMG_3817During our classes we have been enjoying a cooling, cleansing blend of waters to stay hydrated while we practice and rehydrate after class. Try these at home to refresh your body -an oasis in a glass!

Lime-mint, lime-mint-cucumber, lemon-berry and berry-mint. Mint is naturally cooling and soothing to digestion and almost too easy to grow. Cucumber mitigates swelling from heat and late pregnancy. Of course berries are tart and full of antioxidants. Play with your own blends and tell us your favorites for health and taste!